Rathdowney Health Centre

Schedule of Fees

Effective 1st January 2020

Standard Consultation                                                             €50

Follow up Consultation (same issue within 1 week)       €25

Additional Family member (under 18 years)                     €25

House Call                                                                                   €60

Blood Tests(Private and GMS Routine Bloods)                 €20

Nurse Consultation                                                                  €20

Implanon Insertion/Removal                                                €70

Driving Licence Medical/Eyetest                                         €50

Letter (Housing, Social Welfare, Certs etc.)                        €20


Charging for Routine non-acute bloods will commence from 1st January 2017. This is due to the fact that the taking of routine blood tests and their interpretation are not currently covered under the GMS(Medical Card) scheme nor is transport of bloods to the hospital provided by the HSE.